Personality List

    Gordon Cormier Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gordon Cormier? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gordon Cormier from Actors & Actresses Canada and what is the personality traits.

    Gordon Cormier

    ENFP (7w6)

    Gordon Cormier personality type is ENFP, and so I’ve probably identified with him on a more personal level than I’ve ever realized.

    If you don’t know who ENFP is, I’ll give you a quick overview:

    ENFPs are the type that will tell you life is a beautiful and magical place (“woo-woo”), and they’ll make you feel like it’s true. They love to express themselves and feel great about themselves. They can be creative and spontaneous, and they’ll make you feel like you’re the coolest person on the planet.

    They’re probably the most likely to be totally honest with you, and they’ll tell you the truth no matter how it might feel. They’re very social, making friends easily, but they’re not especially attached to them. They have an excellent sense of humor, are very creative, have a wide range of interests, are usually open-minded, and love to learn about new things.

    They have a problem with authority, but they don’t necessarily have a problem with being obedient.

    Gordon Kyle Diez Cormier (born 2009) is a Filipino-Canadian actor. He played Joe in The Stand (2020) and will portray Aang in the upcoming Netflix live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series.

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