Personality List

    Rodolfo Abrantes Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rodolfo Abrantes? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rodolfo Abrantes from Brazil Musicians and what is the personality traits.

    Rodolfo Abrantes

    ENFP (2w3)

    Rodolfo Abrantes personality type is ENFP, more specifically he is an Extrovert, Ne is 7, Fi is 8.

    ENFPs are known for their openness, enthusiasm, and sometimes chaotic ideas. They are often quite idealistic and see things in the best light possible. They often have good imaginations and enjoy playing with the possibilities of the world. ENFPs are very curious and are not afraid to dream big. They are often misunderstood because they are too excited about ideas they find interesting. Many ENFPs are confused with ENTPs because of their similar personalities. Both types are idealistic, curious, open, and imaginative. However, ENFPs are more interested in exploring the possibilities of things in their lives. While ENTPs are more interested in exploring new ideas, ENFPs are more interested in exploring their own ideas.

    ENFPs are often able to see both sides of a situation and can be very diplomatic in their arguments. ENFPs can also be very naive at times. They are often very dreamy and idealistic. They are imagined themselves to be the most compassionate, warmhearted, and trustworthy people they know. ENFPs are very compassionate, warmhearted, and trustworthy people they know.

    Rodolfo Gonçalves Leite de Abrantes, conhecido como Rodolfo Abrantes (Sobradinho, 20 de setembro de 1972),é um cantor, compositor, multi-instrumentista, pastor e ministro evangélico brasileiro.

    Rodolfo se tornou conhecido em todo o país com a banda Raimundos. A mistura de hardcore punk e forró (forrocore) e as letras escrachadas deram fama ao grupo em 1994 com o primeiro disco, Raimundos. Lavô Tá Novo, de 1995, fez a banda estourar, com músicas de altíssima rotação em rádios e na MTV. Em 1997 a banda lançou Lapadas do Povo, mas seu maior sucesso foi em 1999, com a canção Mulher de Fases, do disco Só no Forévis. A banda vendeu em torno de 3 milhões e meio de cópias.

    Em 2001, Rodolfo anunciou que deixaria a banda Raimundos, ao se converter ao Cristianismo

    que o deixou incompatível com o estilo de vida que ele vivia.

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