Personality List

    Craig Thompson Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Craig Thompson? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Craig Thompson from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Craig Thompson

    INFJ (4w5)

    Craig Thompson personality type is INFJ, which is known as an “Introverted Intuitive”. If you’re wondering what that means or why it’s important, read on!

    What is an INFJ?

    The INFJ personality is sometimes referred to as the “Counselor” (or “Counselor/Perceiver”) because they are often counselors, teachers, or priests. They are usually very good at protecting and caring for others.

    INFJs are highly intuitive and can be extremely insightful. They are very good at predicting the future and understanding the emotions of others. INFJs are also excellent listeners; they enjoy hearing about other people’s inner lives and thoughts.

    It’s important to note that INFJs tend to be quiet and reserved. They don’t like to be the center of attention, so they often prefer to be the one listening than the one talking. They also enjoy spending time alone, which can be difficult for them if they don’t have enough alone time during the day. Because of this, INFJs can often feel isolated and misunderstood.

    Craig Matthew Thompson (born September 21, 1975) is a graphic novelist best known for his books Good-bye, Chunky Rice (1999), Blankets (2003), Carnet de Voyage (2004), Habibi (2011), and Space Dumplins (2015). Thompson has received four Harvey Awards, three Eisner Awards, and two Ignatz Awards. In 2007, his cover design for the Menomena album Friend and Foe received a Grammy nomination for Best Recording Package.

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