Personality List

    Nik Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Nik? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Nik from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.


    ESFJ (2w3)

    Nik personality type is ESFJ, the “helper” personality, who are described by their outer world as the kind and supportive group leader.

    ESFJs feel a deep responsibility for other people’s well-being and are exceptionally good at making others feel secure and important (Feeling).

    ESFJs are often described as the “loveable” or “warm” type.

    They’re very popular as leaders, teachers, and bosses.

    ESFJs are often called the “pillars” of the team, since they usually make up the largest and most stable part of their groups.

    ESFJs’ primary concern is making sure their team members feel secure and important. They’re often viewed as the “Mother Teresa” of the team (Perceiving).

    They often have a penchant for organizing and planning, as well as being very good at working out logistics and logistics.

    They’re usually very good with details and like to keep everything in order.

    They’re probably the most conscientious of all the types, reflecting their deep concern for the well-being of others (i.e.

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