Personality List

    Sako SHS Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sako SHS? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sako SHS from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Sako SHS

    INTJ (5w6)

    Sako SHS personality type is INTJ, but her son is INTJ is this an indicator of a higher score on the SAKO?

    I have a feeling it might be a bit of both.

    Also, from the description for the SAKO, they seem to have a high probability of being INTJ, but that is just a guess on my part.

    I have a feeling that your son is quite a bit more extroverted than you are.

    I am an INTJ, and I am an introvert to my core.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "quite a bit more." If anything, I think my son is an extrovert to my core.

    Also, I just looked up how many people get the SAKO. It seems like less than 1% of the population get it. That's pretty low. I was wondering if it was just an illusion or something, but I'm pretty sure it's not.

    I don't know who's at 1%. I think it's probably many INTJs, but certainly not all (I know that there are some other intp personalities that get it).

    Sako SHS is a Saudi Artist and youtuber. Creator of "Another World, it exists" manga

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