Personality List

    Scott Adams Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Scott Adams? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Scott Adams from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Scott Adams

    INTJ (5w6)

    Scott Adams personality type is INTJ, or, if you’re into Myers-Briggs, then INTJ is the “Teacher” type.

    INTJ’s are typically analytical and logical with an incredibly wide knowledge base. They are great at finding solutions to problems and finding the most efficient way to get things done. They are also supremely confident in their abilities, which makes them pretty good at communicating their ideas to others.

    INTJ’s are master organizers. They love to be in charge and enjoy it immensely. They are not looking to “relax” or “enjoy the ride”; they are looking for the best way to get things done efficiently.

    INTJ’s are often advisers or leaders of their groups, they understand the details of the group, they know how to get things done, they make sure everyone is on board, they make sure everyone gets their fair share, and they make sure everyone is happy with the results. They are extremely capable of setting goals and making sure they are met.

    Scott Raymond Adams (born June 8, 1957) is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, and the author of several nonfiction works of satire, commentary, and business. His Dilbert series came to national prominence through the downsizing period in 1990s America and was then distributed worldwide, as Adams went door to door to promote the idea. Adams worked in various roles at big businesses before he became a full-time cartoonist in 1995. He writes in a satirical, often sarcastic, way about the social and psychological landscape of white-collar workers in modern business corporations. He also focuses on politics.

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