Personality List

    SIU (Slave In Utero) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of SIU (Slave In Utero)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for SIU (Slave In Utero) from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.

    SIU (Slave In Utero)

    INFJ (XwX)

    SIU (Slave In Utero) personality type is INFJ, and some may be more likely to be INFJ than others. INFJs are capable of understanding the perspectives of other people, and they’re able to communicate this understanding through the use of their empathetic nature. INFJs are often able to read people very well, and they can sense when other people are upset or anxious, and they’re often able to offer support and help in these situations. INFJs are also very good at speaking with people who have difficult or complicated feelings, and they’re often able to show them empathy by using their own feelings as a model. An INFJ might feel something similar to the other person, allowing them to understand that person better and offering help and support.

    INFJs are also very good at understanding and communicating through the language of emotions. They often have strong emotions and moods that can be expressed through the use of their own feelings, and they’re often very good at sensing what other people are feeling. INFJs are often able to recognize other people’s emotions even when they’re not consciously being expressed, and they’re often able to offer comfort and support through the use of their own emotions.

    SIU stands for Slave. In. Utero; it is the pen name of the author of Tower of God (신의 탑). His real name is Lee Jong Hui. He was born on 29th May, 1986.

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