Personality List

    Yūki Tabata Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yūki Tabata? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yūki Tabata from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Yūki Tabata

    ENFP (4w5)

    Yūki Tabata personality type is ENFP, which is the “The Artist” personality type. The ENFP personality type is defined by the following 16 personality traits:

    Quick-witted, friendly, and enthusiastic

    Imaginative, open-minded, and flexible

    Stable, reliable, and easy-going

    Persuasive, charismatic, and enthusiastic

    Anxious, shy, and sensitive

    Thoughtful, tolerant, and philosophical

    Popular among others

    Prepared to help others

    Sensitive to criticism

    Lively and energetic

    Thorough and persistent

    Adaptable to change

    Flexible to new ideas

    Impersonal, finicky, and neat

    The ENFP personality type is sometimes referred to as the “The Artist” personality type because they are interested in creating things. They are creative people who are great at coming up with new ideas. ENFPs are great at creating new things, especially in the arts. They are intelligent, creative, and imaginative people who are often “inventors” or “artists”. They value innovation and creativity over tradition, authority, and rules.

    Yuki Tabata was born in Fukuoka Prefecture and got his big break in the 2011 Shonen Jump Golden Future Cup with his winning entry, Hungry Joker. He started the magical fantasy series Black Clover in 2015.

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