Personality List

    Taylor (Flow State / My Type of Shit) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Taylor (Flow State / My Type of Shit)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Taylor (Flow State / My Type of Shit) from Psychology & Personal Development and what is the personality traits.

    Taylor (Flow State / My Type of Shit)

    ESTP (8w7)

    Taylor (Flow State / My Type of Shit) personality type is ESTP, which I believe is a combination of both. He's got the "get it done" attitude, the "let's go" mentality, but he's also got a great sense of humor and is really laid-back. He's not overly dramatic and is always the one who gets you through it.

    Taylor's relationship with his parents is complicated. His mother basically blames him for everything bad that has ever happened in his life, and his father is a little arrogant and a little sarcastic. He doesn't really get along with anyone in his family, really, but he's very close to his dad.

    Taylor's relationship with his older sister, McKenzie, is also complicated. She's kind of crazy, but he loves her to death. She's also very manipulative, which makes her part of the reason Taylor's not too close to his sister.

    When Taylor was younger, he had a crush on his best friend, Sierra. He was all over her like a house on fire, but then she turned out to be a lesbian and now they don't talk at all.

    Taylor has an older brother, Casey. Casey is actually the reason Taylor's not in jail.

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