Personality List

    Nader Engheta Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Nader Engheta? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Nader Engheta from Physics & Astronomy and what is the personality traits.

    Nader Engheta

    ENTP (5w6)

    Nader Engheta personality type is ENTP, but it's not uncommon to see us drop the N (a quick poll of friends and family shows that I'm not alone) or even the J (in which case we're still ENTP but with minimal Ti).

    It's true that ENTP is one of the most common personality types, but I think it's a bit of a misnomer. What the term ENTP actually means is "Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving." The letters themselves are a bit ambiguous, but the N and P are pretty clear. Extraverted means that this particular function is active and expressed in a way that is perceivable to others. In other words, it's a function that is more readily available to you than to others. In our personalities, we may not be able to express ourselves as easily as others, but it doesn't mean that we don't have a strong sense of ourselves as individuals. In fact, our Thinking function is probably one of our most developed functions, especially when it comes to understanding our own motivations and goals.

    We also have a distinct preference for Introverted Intuition. Our dominant function is a Thinking function.

    Nader Engheta (Persian: نادر انقطاع‎) (born 1955 in Tehran) is an Iranian-American scientist. He has made pioneering contributions to the fields of metamaterials, transformation optics, plasmonic optics, nanophotonics, graphene photonics, nano-materials, nanoscale optics, nano-antennas and miniaturized antennas, physics and reverse-engineering of polarization vision in nature, bio-inspired optical imaging, fractional paradigm in electrodynamics, and electromagnetics and microwaves.

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