Personality List

    Hernando de Soto Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hernando de Soto? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hernando de Soto from Economics and what is the personality traits.

    Hernando de Soto

    ENTJ (5w6)

    Hernando de Soto personality type is ESTP, with an ideal of €€€€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€ €€. His or her sense of comfort is in the domain of values that are important to him or her, and the person is more concerned with the fact that he or she is not in conflict with them than with the actual situation itself.

    The type will not be disturbed by trivial situations, but will also not be willing to compromise on what he or she considers to be important values.

    The person must be able to ‘read’ the situation, and see that his or her position is in conflict with the norm.


    Hernando de Soto Polar is a prominent Peruvian economist known for his work on the informal economy and on the importance of business and property rights. His work on the developing world has earned him praise worldwide by numerous heads of state, particularly for his publication The Mystery of Capital. He is the current president of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), a think tank devoted to promoting economic development in developing countries located in Lima, Peru.

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