Personality List

    Dr. Vanessa Tolosa Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dr. Vanessa Tolosa? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dr. Vanessa Tolosa from Engineers & Inventors and what is the personality traits.

    Dr. Vanessa Tolosa

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Dr. Vanessa Tolosa personality type is ISTJ, which is a “Strict, Authoritarian, and Perceiving” type. She’s a “strict” teacher who believes that a “strict” school is best for all students.

    In this episode, Vanessa is narrating from the perspective of her son, who is an ISTJ as well. He’s not as strict as his mother, but he still follows his value system as a “strict” teacher.

    First, he explains that he loves his job because it’s a way to give back to the community. He also enjoys the challenge of the classroom and the work he does with his students on a daily basis.

    But, his job is difficult as well, as he has to teach a subject that he doesn’t really care for. He also has to deal with kids who are just “not doing anything.” He’s not the only teacher who has this issue. Vanessa says that there are many other ISTJ teachers just like him.

    Vanessa then goes on to explain that their strict values come out in other ways.

    Dr. Vanessa Tolosa is one of the founding members of Neuralink Corporation.

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