Personality List

    Dr. Robert Duncan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dr. Robert Duncan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dr. Robert Duncan from Engineers & Inventors and what is the personality traits.

    Dr. Robert Duncan

    INTJ (5w6)

    Dr. Robert Duncan personality type is INTJ, he is described as an "Intellectually sophisticated individual, with strong analytical abilities and originality, who may be said to live in his own world of abstract theories and challenging concepts."

    Duncan is very creative, articulate, and intelligent. He has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that can be biting at times. He is no-nonsense and doesn't suffer fools gladly. He is analytical and may be slow to trust others if he doesn't know them very well.

    Duncan's goal is to find out what is really true, not what others want him to believe. He has good instincts but often needs to be convinced on an issue until he is certain of his conclusions. He is ambitious and will work hard to achieve his goals.

    Duncan's best friends are introverts who are also highly intellectual. He can get along with extroverts (although this type of person bothers him because he thinks they lack depth), but he would prefer that they not be too outwardly friendly. He may not be able to handle large groups of people, especially if the crowd is noisy and isn't very intelligent.

    Dr. Robert Duncan is a scientist and engineer who worked on black projects for DARPA, CIA, Justice Department and the Department of Defense. He was involved in artificial intelligence and cybernetics. As an MIT student he studied under professor Noam Chomsky on linguistics, studying computer AI language.

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