Personality List

    *Slaps Roof of Car* Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of *Slaps Roof of Car*? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for *Slaps Roof of Car* from Memes and what is the personality traits.

    *Slaps Roof of Car*

    ESTP (7w8)

    *Slaps Roof of Car* personality type is ESTP, which is one of the rarer types in the world, and when they combine their ESTP traits, they become the most powerful type in the world. They are able to do things that other people can't do and can make things happen. The ESTP is a very dynamic and powerful person and is very self-confident and charismatic. They don't like to sit and wait for things. They like to do things and make them happen. ESTPs love to live their life to the fullest and don't like to wait for anything. They like to move quickly and like to be in charge. They like to be able to see the big picture and want to be able to control their own destiny. They like to talk and talk and talk and talk, but they sometimes say very little. ESTPs are adventurous and like to try new things. They like to make their own way of doing things, but they like to know what is expected of them. ESTPs are great people, but they tend to act first, think later, and talk less than they should. They tend to act without thinking of what they are doing.

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