Personality List

    *Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personal, Kid Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of *Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personal, Kid? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for *Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personal, Kid from Memes and what is the personality traits.

    *Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personal, Kid

    ISTP (8w9)

    *Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personal, Kid personality type is ISTP, which means that they are less likely to be affected by all of this.

    Miscellaneous Oddities

    The ISTP's favorite food is mushrooms.

    The ISTP's least favorite food is whipped cream.

    The ISTP's favorite drink is milk, the combination of which makes it their favorite drink.

    The ISTP's least favorite drink is milk.

    The ISTP's favorite drink to cook with is milk.

    The ISTP's least favorite drink to cook with is milk.

    Example of an ISTP Adventurer

    The Adventurer of this character profile is an ISTP Adventurer, but it could just as easily be any other type of Adventurer. Here are some examples of how this Adventurer might go about his or her business.

    Walking through the town, the Adventurer may notice a dead body lying on the street out in front of the pharmacy. The Adventurer may, however, decide to go on with his day, because he has important things to do. The Adventurer could be an art collector for example, and if so, he would likely not think much about the body, because he is more interested in acquiring new art.

    Not bad, kid...

    You nearly made me use 10% of my power.

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