Personality List

    Jade Picon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jade Picon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jade Picon from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Jade Picon

    ISTJ (3w4)

    Jade Picon personality type is ESTJ, which means she’s an Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judger.

    Jade Picon in the books

    Jade Picon was introduced in the first book of the series, The Hollow Kingdom , where she was introduced as a teenage girl who had recently arrived at the school. She had no memories of her life before arriving at the school, nor did she know who her parents were. She was also accompanied by her best friend, Charlie, who was unaware of her past. During their time at the school, Jade and Charlie were often at odds with each other, but they eventually became friends. After several weeks, they were able to solve the mystery of her past by discovering that she was, in fact, an ice princess, and that she had been frozen several years ago. Charlie helped save her from the ice castle where she had been imprisoned for centuries. Eventually, she was reunited with her family (who were unaware of their daughter's existence) and returned to them in Link's shadow. This included Colin, who was revealed to be her brother.

    In the second book of the series, The Darkling Child , Jade became very close to Colin.

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