Personality List

    Léo Maia Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Léo Maia? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Léo Maia from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Léo Maia

    INFP (1w9)

    Léo Maia personality type is INFP, the Idealist, who seeks harmony with the world. The INFP personality type is not as "dark" as it might first appear, because the INFP has an optimistic, even cheerful side. The INFP is usually easy-going, friendly, calm, and spontaneous. They are often perceived as artistic, dreamy, and imaginative. This makes them popular among other types because they are good at understanding the feelings of others, although they are often too shy to show their emotions. The INFP has a preference for thoughts over actions. They are easily bored by practical things and may prefer to daydream or day-after-daydream rather than take action. The INFP is more likely to study the arts, philosophy, or psychology rather than science or engineering.The INFP has a Humanistic focus on personal growth and finding meaning in life. They are mostly interested in finding practical solutions to people's problems. Some INFPs are interested in helping people develop their talents and helping others grow as individuals. These types are usually very artistic and creative, with a special gift for understanding the feelings of others. They often have an active imagination that makes them sensitive to beauty and perfection in everything they see or do.

    Léo Maia, nome artístico de Márcio Leonardo Maia Gomes da Silva (Rio de Janeiro, 11 de março de 1974) é um cantor, compositor e guitarrista brasileiro. É filho do cantor Tim Maia e primo do cantor Ed Motta.

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