Personality List

    Márcia Fernandes Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Márcia Fernandes? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Márcia Fernandes from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Márcia Fernandes

    ESTJ (6w5)

    Márcia Fernandes personality type is ENFJ, which is the ‘E’ in ENFP. She is not only ‘E’ but she is also ‘N’, which is the ‘N’ of NF.

    ENFJ personalities contain the “People-Oriented” (P) and “Service-Oriented” (S) functions. They are very warm, friendly, and generous. They are also very decisive and decisive people.

    Their dominant function is Extraverted Intuition (Ne). They are very good at seeing what others need, and visualize what they need to do, to be able to meet their needs. They are good at identifying what others need, and understanding what they need. They are also good at giving advice and advice to others.

    They are also very good at knowing how to serve others, and helping others. They are good at asking for help from others, and asking them to help them. They are good at helping others, and helping them to help themselves.

    They can be very persuasive and can be very persuasive to others. They can also be very convincing and convincing to others.

    Márcia Fernandes (São Paulo, 29 de abril de 1952), também conhecida como Márcia Sensitiva ou Sense Márcia, é uma brasileira que trabalha como clarividente, sensitiva, numeróloga, médium de cura, astróloga, mestre de Reike, apresentadora, palestrante e escritora muito famosa na TV desde os anos 90 e no YouTube desde os anos 2000. Affiliations: Sonia Abrão. Silvio Santos.

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