Personality List

    Margot Frank Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Margot Frank? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Margot Frank from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Margot Frank

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Margot Frank personality type is ISFJ, as is her husband, as is her son.

    When I'm being a jerk on the Internet, it's usually by being a judgmental jerk.

    People who have a Bitterness Personality Type do not share things on the Internet because they can't stand to see people being happy.

    People with a Bitterness Personality Type choose to read the comments on the Internet, not out of interest in your life, but out of a desire to see you fail, and to see you suffer.

    In the early days of the Internet, there were folks who had a Bitterness Personality Type. They were frustrated that they couldn't find work, or that their kids wouldn't share their toys, and they couldn't stand to see any of the people on the Internet being happy. These people were called Trolls.

    Trolls didn't want to share the same world as the rest of us. They wanted a world where everyone was miserable and angry and at war with everyone else, and they hated it when they were denied that opportunity.

    The Internet has changed all that. As we've gotten more connected, we've gotten more connected to each other. Now we're all connected to everything.

    Margot Betti Frank (February 16, 1926 – February-March, 1945) was the eldest daughter of Otto Frank and Edith Frank and the elder sister of Anne Frank. Margot's deportation order from the Gestapo hastened the Frank family into hiding. According to the diary of her younger sister, Anne, Margot kept a diary of her own, but no trace of Margot's diary has ever been found.

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