Personality List

    Nadya Suleman Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Nadya Suleman? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Nadya Suleman from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Nadya Suleman

    ISFJ (2w3)

    Nadya Suleman personality type is ISFJ, which is a tertiary introverted sensing function. The ISFJ personality type is a variant of the INFJ personality type, which is a tertiary introverted intuitive function. These personalities have a lot in common. Like the INFJ, the ISFJ has a strong feeling side to them (the ISFJ is more "sensing" than the INFJ), and like the INFJ, the ISFJ has a strong focus on people.

    Like the INFJ, the ISFJ has a strong intuition and introspection about themselves and others, and these feelings and thoughts can be very internal and private. However, unlike the INFJ, the ISFJ has a strong focus on people and relationships. They like to help and support others, and they tend to take on a "mothering" role. Their focus on people and relationships sometimes makes them feel like they are not as intelligent as they could be, as they spend so much time dealing with the feelings of others, as well as their own feelings inside.

    Like the INFP, the ISFJ has a strong desire to connect with others and spend time interacting with them.

    Known as Octomom in the media, is an American media personality who came to international attention when she gave birth to octuplets in January 2009. One week after their birth, they surpassed the previous worldwide survival rate for a complete set of octuplets set by the Chukwu octuplets in 1998.

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