Personality List

    Diego Portales Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Diego Portales? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Diego Portales from Historical Figures 1800s and what is the personality traits.

    Diego Portales

    INTJ (5w4)

    Diego Portales personality type is INTJ, which means he is a deep thinker and a natural leader. The INTJ is a very independent and self-sufficient personality type. They tend to be very logical and critical and do not like to be told what to do. They are great at finding the best solution to a problem and once they have found this solution, they work steps 1 and 2 very hard.

    INTJs are excellent at working with systems, because they can absorb a lot of information and process it very quickly. They are also good at reading people, because they can easily pick up on other people's intentions.

    It's important to note that INTJ's are not good at making decisions on their own, which is why they often need a partner that will help them make decisions or find solutions to problems. INTJs often come off as a bit cold and distant, but they can really warm up if they feel you deserve it. INTJs tend to be very sensitive and they often have a hard time expressing their feelings.

    3.Famous INTJs: Leonard Nimoy, Naomi Watts, Clive Owen, Ben Affleck, Joan Collins, Johnny Depp, Alexander McQueen, Amy Adams, Christina Ricci, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman

    Diego José Pedro Víctor Portales y Palazuelos ( June 16, 1793 – June 6, 1837) was a Chilean statesman and entrepreneur. As a minister of president José Joaquín Prieto, Diego Portales played a pivotal role in shaping the state and government politics in the 19th century, delivering with the Constitution of 1833 the framework of the Chilean state for almost a century. Portales' influential political stance included unitarianism, presidentialism and conservatism which led to consolidate Chile as a constitutional authoritarian republic with democracy restricted to include only upper class men.

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