Personality List

    Crişan / Marcu Giurgiu Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Crişan / Marcu Giurgiu? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Crişan / Marcu Giurgiu from Historical Figures 1700s and what is the personality traits.

    Crişan / Marcu Giurgiu

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Crişan / Marcu Giurgiu personality type is ENTJ, for ENTJ Personality type.

    This personality type is the most common among Romanians, with around one-third of Romanians being of this personality type.

    The main characteristics of the ENTJ personality type are:

    Highly organized and intelligent

    Determined and decisive

    Powerful and domineering

    They are very active and often want to be the center of attention

    They are often seen as very ambitious people

    They are often seen as hardworking people, who always try to do their best at everything they do

    They are often seen as very intelligent people who can be very good at their work, but can also be very stubborn and argumentative at times

    They are seen as very confident people who will do anything to get what they want

    They are often seen as very charismatic people who can easily win people over, but can also bully others into doing what they want them to do

    Marcu Giurgiu, with the alias Gheorghe Crișan and known as Crişan (1733 – 13 February 1785) was a Transylvanian Romanian leader of the Revolt of Horea, Cloşca and Crişan in 1784–85. They were demanding the abolition of serfdom and rights for the Transylvanian peasants, especially the Romanian ones who were the most deprived. Crişan took the role of military leader and battle tactician of the revolt. After the revolt was defeated he hanged himself in his prison cell; Horea and Cloşca were executed by being broken on the wheel. Joseph II responded by enacting a Patent for the Abolition of Serfdom for Transylvania in 1785.

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