Personality List

    Jean Baptiste Colbert Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jean Baptiste Colbert? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jean Baptiste Colbert from Historical Figures 1600s and what is the personality traits.

    Jean Baptiste Colbert

    ENTJ (1w2)

    Jean Baptiste Colbert personality type is ESTJ, a decider and a pragmatist. He has a great deal of faith in his own abilities, but he also knows that it is up to him to make things happen by taking the initiative. He is an excellent organizer, and will work hard to ensure that he gets his way. He has a great deal of knowledge on the subject of which he deals with, and will use it to good effect. He is an expert in his field, but he can also be quite vocal about his opinions and views. This can lead to his being dismissed as a know-it-all.

    This is one of the great weaknesses of the type. They are very good at getting people to listen to them, but they are also very good at getting them to do what they want. They can easily fall into self-righteousness, and this can be very hurtful to those around them. They can also be very critical and condescending, and this can alienate those around them.

    Baron de Montalembert is one of the most famous examples of this personality type. He was a “know-it-all” and a “know-it-all” about everything.

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