Personality List

    Pedro de Valdivia Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Pedro de Valdivia? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Pedro de Valdivia from Historical Figures 1500s and what is the personality traits.

    Pedro de Valdivia

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Pedro de Valdivia personality type is ESTJ, for Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment.

    Pedro de Valdivia childhood history

    Pedro de Valdivia was born in 1516 in the town of Truxillo, Extremadura, Spain. He was the son of Juan Niño de Guzmán, a school teacher, and Francisca Ramírez de Aschero. Valdivia was educated at home until his father died in 1529.

    Pedro de Valdivia military career

    During the first half of the sixteenth century, the Spanish Empire began to expand to its overseas territories, conquering territories in Latin America. In 1536, the first governor of Chile, Pedro de Villagra, led an expedition to the south of Chile.

    Pedro de Valdivia became governor of Chile in 1539, having quarreled with Villagra. Valdivia's administration began building the Chilean territory's first fortifications. During this time, he established a close relationship with Diego de Almagro (1528-1550), who became governor of the newly conquered territories of Peru.

    In 1541, Valdivia launched an expedition to explore the territory north of Peru.

    Pedro Gutiérrez de Valdivia or Valdiva (April 17, 1497 – December 25, 1553[1]). was a Spanish conquistador and the first royal governor of Chile. After serving with the Spanish army in Italy and Flanders he served as lieutenant under Francisco Pizarro in Peru, acting as his second in command. In 1540 he led an expedition of 150 Spaniards into Chile, where he defeated a large force of indigenous natives and founded Santiago in 1541. He extended Spanish rule south to the Biobío River in 1546, fought again in Peru (1546 – 48), and returned to Chile as governor in 1549. He began to conquer Chile south of the Biobío. He was captured and killed in a campaign against the Mapuche.

    [1] Dates sometimes given as 1510 – 1569, i.e. Robert Chambers "Book of Days" (1868).

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