Personality List

    Komi Masayoshi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Komi Masayoshi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Komi Masayoshi from Komi San Wa Komyushou Desu and what is the personality traits.

    Komi Masayoshi

    ISTJ (6w5)

    Komi Masayoshi personality type is ISFJ, as proven by the following personality traits:

    ISFJ personality type is known as the "Nurturing" personality type, as the ISFJ personality type focuses on creating harmony and order in their environment. ISFJs are known as "The Nurturing" personality type, as the ISFJ personality type focuses on creating harmony and order in their environment. This can be seen in how they:

    Why is this one of the most common personality types?

    ISFJ is quite common in its prevalence because ISFJs often grow up in a family that is focused on making them feel valued and important. Being an ISFJ, you enjoy spending time with people and you fit very well into a team environment. It can be difficult at times to be truly alone and this can be a challenge for some ISFJs because they don't want to be alone.

    ISFJ's are typically warm and giving and they can be very loyal to those they care for. They like to share and they like to help people and make them feel good. They can be very nurturing and they will typically enjoy having a lot of people around because it makes them feel valued and important.

    Masayoshi Komi (古見 将賀, こみ まさよし lit. Komi Masayoshi) is Shouko's father. He is seen as a dandy middle-aged man. Like Shouko and Shousuke, Masayoshi rarely speaks. Like his daughter, Masayoshi struggles to express himself verbally and can at times be easily flustered. Complementary to his wife's youthful attitude, Masayoshi often appears mature and stoic. While he may come across as stern, he is often shown to be kind, considerate, and supportive.

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