Personality List

    Matthew Yglesias Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Matthew Yglesias? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Matthew Yglesias from Political Commentators and what is the personality traits.

    Matthew Yglesias

    ENTP (5w6)

    Matthew Yglesias personality type is ENTP, which is one of the more maligned personality types. I think it’s because he’s got a lot of the qualities of a socially awkward introvert (especially with his pseudonymous persona).

    I’ve written before on ENTP characteristics, and I’ve talked to people that know the type quite well, and they seem to agree with me. If you’re an ENTP, you’re probably not as socially awkward as you thought. You may just lack the social skills to compensate for that.

    The two major personality types we discussed today were INTJ and ENTP. We discussed the INTJ characteristics, and then we discussed the ENTP characteristics.

    If you’re curious about my personality type, please check out the wiki and type indicator.

    BONUS SEGMENT: The Chances You Get a Bad Job

    While I was writing this episode, I had a list of things that I wanted to talk about with the podcast listeners. One of those was a podcast episode I did a few years ago called “The Chances You Get a Bad Job.

    Matthew Yglesias is a well known blogger and writer from America. Up until this point, he has composed various articles for well known productions including The American Prospect, The Atlantic, and Slate. Currently, he fills in as an editor and feature writer for the news website Vox which he is likewise a prime supporter of it.

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