Personality List

    Pamela Geller Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Pamela Geller? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Pamela Geller from Political Commentators and what is the personality traits.

    Pamela Geller

    ESTJ (6w5)

    Pamela Geller personality type is ESTJ, i.e., (according to the MBTI) she is "a person of action and decision, who likes things to be in their place and under their control. She has a high level of energy and stamina and will do her best at everything she undertakes. She is reliable and honest and prefers to do things in a structured manner."

    Pam Geller is a big gun-owner, but her view of the Second Amendment is more nuanced than the other, so-called "gun nuts." She thinks that while we should be able to own guns, we should not be using them for killing people. She believes that our government is failing in its duty to protect us from harm while we are at war, and that we should be doing what we can to protect ourselves while we are vulnerable. She also believes that our government is bankrupting us with excessive spending, which it is, essentially.

    Pam Geller is not an NRA member. She is not a member of any gun rights organization. She has no affiliation with any firearm manufacturer or distributor. She does not support any gun control group. She does not support any military veterans' organization. She is not a card-carrying Republican.

    Pamela Geller (born 1957/1958) is an American political activist and commentator. She is known for her anti-Islamic writings, opposition to the proposed construction of an Islamic community center near the former site of the World Trade Center, and sponsorship of the "Draw the Prophet" cartoon contest in Garland, Texas.

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