Personality List

    Antonio Expedito Perera Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Antonio Expedito Perera? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Antonio Expedito Perera from Radicals and what is the personality traits.

    Antonio Expedito Perera

    ENTJ (3w2)

    Antonio Expedito Perera personality type is ENTJ, so he is a real go-getter, a sharp individualist, a leader, a commander and an executive.

    Teacher – He’s a teacher by choice and a good one, because he’s a rich communicator and a high-achiever. He’s also a family man, a protector and a devoted listener.

    He’s a teacher by choice and a good one, because he’s a rich communicator and a high-achiever. He’s also a family man, a protector and a devoted listener. Architect – He’s also an Architect and has designed and built many things: his 4-year-old son (he and his ex-wife Raquel took care of him till he was 10), his own house, his farmhouse and his 4-wheel-drive Jeep.

    He’s also an Architect and has designed and built many things: his 4-year-old son (he and his ex-wife Raquel took care of him till he was 10), his own house, his farmhouse and his 4-wheel-drive Jeep.

    Antonio Expedito Carvalho Perera started on the right, as a lawyer in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and moved to the extreme left, in addition to having involved in terrorism in France, and died in Italy, in 1996, at the age of 65, as a Eurocommunist. The almost surrealist story of this politician is told in the excellent “The Man Who Died Three Times — A Report About the 'Brazilian Jackal'” (Record, 335 pages), by journalist Fernando Molica.

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