Personality List

    Rudy Giuliani Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rudy Giuliani? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rudy Giuliani from Government Usa and what is the personality traits.

    Rudy Giuliani

    ENTJ (8w9)

    Rudy Giuliani personality type is ENTJ, which is the Inspector. He is the good cop, the good cop who can sometimes really be a bad cop. The Inspector is not afraid to be tough, to be firm, to be ruthless, to be cynical, to be sarcastic, to be sardonic, to be nasty, but also to be smart, to be intellectual, to be insightful, to be knowledgeable. The Inspector believes that the law is the law. He believes in what he believes in. And he believes that it has to be enforced. And if it's not enforced, he acts on it. He believes in the rule of law. He believes that there is no other way to live other than that. He believes that there is no other chance other than that. That's the type of person that the Inspector is.

    Giuliani's Real Type

    ENTJ (Extroverted) Judger (Intuitive) iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving

    I think that Rudy Giuliani is certainly an ENTJ. He is very decisive and he can act on his decisions. The ENTJ likes to be part of the decision process concerning whatever it is that they do.

    Rudolph William Louis Giuliani (born May 28, 1944) is an American politician, attorney, businessman, public speaker, former mayor of New York City, and an informal adviser on cybersecurity to the White House. Politically a Democrat, then an Independent in the 1970s, and a Republican since the 1980s, Giuliani was the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York during the 1980s. Giuliani prosecuted pivotal cases against the American Mafia, and against corrupt corporate financiers.

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