Personality List

    NPCarlsson Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of NPCarlsson? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for NPCarlsson from Hosts Critics Producers & Editors and what is the personality traits.


    INTP (5w6)

    NPCarlsson personality type is ESTP, which is the least common. E, followed by I, T, N, and P.

    NPCarlsson’s star sign is Aquarius.

    NPCarlsson’s height is 6 feet (1.83 m).

    His/her eye color is green.

    His/her hair color is blond, this color was chosen by the celebrity himself/herself.

    His/her weight is 147 lbs (66.6 kg).

    His/her ethnicity is White American.

    His/her nationality is Swedish.

    Some people may describe NPCarlsson’s personality as nice. He/she is very friendly and he/she likes to share information about him/herself. NPCarlsson likes to do anything that makes him/her feel good. NPCarlsson loves to be outside and he/she can enjoy many activities. NPCarlsson loves to meet new people and he/she likes to make new friends with them. NPCarlsson likes to listen to music and he/she enjoys playing the guitar. He/she also likes to dance and he/she does it very well.

    NPCarlsson is a rising YTPer from the UK. He is known for Crustacean Resurrection Redemption, his most popular YouTube Poop with over 200k views. He also makes non YTP videos, such as music remixes, collabs, and occasionally vlogs. He has called his channel "Mainly, but not only YTP related". He also makes WCR (weekly cycle rants) which are related to things that arise and he feels the need to speak of.

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