Personality List

    Bruce Ismay Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bruce Ismay? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bruce Ismay from Titanic 1997 and what is the personality traits.

    Bruce Ismay

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Bruce Ismay personality type is ESTJ, the Servant, the First among equals. He is a very strong man who wants to be in charge. He is a bit of a control freak and he wants to be in charge of his life and his family. He is a very loyal person to his family and wants to protect them from harm. He wants to have a good job that he loves and he wants to have respect from everyone working under him. He feels that he can accomplish anything if he works hard enough.

    If you want to know the best way to deal with a strong willed male, you just need to know some of the different types of male personalities. You just need to know what they are like and if some of these traits may apply to them.

    A dominant male is one who can be forceful and has little concern for others. They are the ones who are aggressive and may be aggressive towards you. They may want to boss you around or even physically dominate you. This is the type of man who will not take no for an answer and they will not back down until they get their way. It does not matter how many people try to stop them, this man is not going to be placated.

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