What is the personality type of Hrist? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hrist from Valkyrie Profile and what is the personality traits.
Hrist personality type is ESTJ, and the views and attitudes of the following personality types are very similar to those of ESTJ:
ESTJ personality types tend to believe that the ideal society is structured and orderly, and that life should be lived in a predictable and structured manner. They prefer a predictable and structured life in which they know themselves and their role in a structured society. It is a structure that they find preferable to living in a state of flux. ESTJ personality types believe that individuals have a right to have a clear idea about how their lives will develop, personally and professionally. They feel that society should be structured so that people can plan their lives according to their values, values which they have already formed. They do not consider it to be a waste for people to have a structured life, even if their values are not fully realized in society.
ESTJ personality types do not like to change plans once they have been made. If they have made a plan, they will stick to it, even if it means holding a different job or living in a different place. Some ESTJ personality types will also fight against the changes that they do not want to make, which may cause them stress and anxiety.
Her fervent loyalty to Odin often compels the eldest of Fate's three daughters to act with blatant disregard for the will of mortals.
Hrist's personality is that of a ruthless warrior. She takes no prisoners, and believes the ends justify the means. No matter what the task, she will complete it if it is Odin's will.