Personality List

    Rocket Raccoon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rocket Raccoon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rocket Raccoon from Mcu The Heroes and what is the personality traits.

    Rocket Raccoon

    ESTP (8w7)

    Rocket Raccoon personality type is ESTP, so they are very active and outgoing. Rocket Raccoon is the most quintessential ESTP, and he is a loudmouth who is ready to talk about anything and everything. You can tell this by how he talks. He talks really fast and he likes to go on tangents with his sentences. Sometimes when he talks his voice will speed up and his eyes will sparkle, almost as if he were excited. He also loves to invent new things and create new things. He has a very adventurous side to him. So when Rocket Raccoon talks about something he is excited about, you can tell because he talks fast and his voice gets a little high pitched. He also loves to make puns, even when they are bad. Rocket Raccoon also has a love for adventure, and he is very willing to go on adventures with others. He can even make friends with anyone. Rocket Raccoon is a very unique personality type, especially when you compare him to other personality types. He is a very free spirit, and he is also very animated when he talks, almost as if he were a cartoon character! Rocket Raccoon personality type is ESTP, so they are very active and outgoing.

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