Personality List

    Francis Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Francis? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Francis from Smg4 and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (7w8)

    Francis personality type is ENTJ, which stands for the Extravert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging. This means that he is a very powerful and effective leader. The ENTJ will be a good match for a woman who wants a strong partner to help her grow.

    ENTJs are not always direct, which could be a problem in a relationship. They are often very logical and analytical, and sometimes may not give a person enough credit for things they have done. They do not suffer fools gladly either. They can also come across as mean or conceited to those they do not know well.

    ENTJs are very strong willed and will go after what they want. They are very goal oriented, and will not easily give up on a project. ENTJs are very loyal to their friends, and will often be very dependable to those they have commitment to. People who do not meet their expectations or feel that they have been let down will be seen as a threat by them. They can become agitated and even angry when others “bend the rules” to their advantage.

    They can become very domineering towards those who are weaker than them, like their employees, subordinates, friends, spouses, and children.

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