Personality List

    Sprig Plantar Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sprig Plantar? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sprig Plantar from Amphibia 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    Sprig Plantar

    ENFP (7w6)

    Sprig Plantar personality type is ENFP, which is an extrovert with a strong imagination. I enjoy the activity of socializing, telling stories and ideas, and creating new connections and experiences. ENFPs are also very creative in the arts, creative writing, and music. ENFPs are usually very good at talking to people and convincing them to do things. ENFPs are also very good at brainstorming, making lists, and planning. ENFPs are better at small scale projects than large scale ones. ENFPs can be very supportive of others and enjoy working with others, especially when it is not just about the task at hand, but about the people involved. This can cause ENFPs to overlook the importance of certain details or to get too involved in others lives to the detriment of their own. When ENFPs do get too caught up in others lives, it can cause them to neglect their own needs. ENFPs are very energetic and are often very enthusiastic about whatever they do. They tend to be very inspired by new ideas and love to share their ideas with others. However, they can sometimes be too impulsive and unwilling to wait for things that they want.

    Sprig Plantar is the deuteragonist of Amphibia. He is a 10-year-old frog who is the best friend and guide of the human girl Anne Boonchuy. He is the grandson of Hop Pop and the elder brother of Polly

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