Personality List

    Polly Petunia Plantar Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Polly Petunia Plantar? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Polly Petunia Plantar from Amphibia 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    Polly Petunia Plantar

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Polly Petunia Plantar personality type is ENTJ, and her type is the World Controlling Leader, which is further reinforced by her stature, demeanor and stature.

    Based on her personality and how she acts, she is a World Controlling Leader and a firm believer in scientific and technological progress.

    She is also a firm believer in her superiority over everyone else, even if she isn’t aware of it at first. She also has a master plan of her own creation, which she is willing to work on with the best of energy.

    Her BPD traits are further reinforced by both her name and her status as the leader of the family. She is also highly narcissistic, which is an indication that there are flaws in her personality.

    Polly has Narcissistic personality disorder, which is an indication that she has an inflated view of herself and her personality. This is further reinforced by her personality, which is self-centered.

    She also has Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder, which is an indication of how she will react to criticism. Her Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder traits are further reinforced by how she will react to being criticized by an authority figure.

    She also has Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder traits of being covertly hostile.

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