Personality List

    Mrs. Boonchuy Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mrs. Boonchuy? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mrs. Boonchuy from Amphibia 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    Mrs. Boonchuy

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Mrs. Boonchuy personality type is ESTJ, the Persevering, Control-Oriented, Systematizer, Judger.

    You are a perfectionist. You want things to go well, and you want to make sure they do. You try to understand how things work and you strive to make them better. You get upset when things don’t go right and you feel like life isn’t fair. You’re very capable and you set high standards for yourself and others. You’re good at problem solving and you tend to be very direct and concise with your communication. You like to solve problems and get things done. You’re effective and efficient and you like to follow the rules.

    You’re very responsible and you like to follow the rules. You’re good at problem solving and you tend to be very direct and concise with your communication. You like to solve problems and get things done. You’re effective and efficient and you like to follow the rules.

    You like to make sure things are done on time and you like to be organized. You like rules and regulations for everything.

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