Personality List

    Dr. Xenon Bloom Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dr. Xenon Bloom? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dr. Xenon Bloom from Rick & Morty 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Dr. Xenon Bloom

    INTP (6w7)

    Dr. Xenon Bloom personality type is INTP, the “Creative” type.

    This is one of the most interesting types to explore, because INTPs are the most individualistic of the eight types. They are the most likely to prefer privacy to social interaction, are more likely to think independently, are less likely to rely on others, are less likely to seek validation from others, are more likely to be introverted, are less likely to take directions easily, are more likely to be self-critical, are more likely to question the validity of the world around them, are less likely to have strong personal opinions, are less likely to be in touch with their emotions, are more likely to have an in-depth knowledge of the world around them, are less likely to have strong bonds with others, are more likely to be interested in abstract ideas, are less likely to be motivated by rewards for their efforts, are more likely to have a strong sense of morality, are less likely to have an intuitive sense of right and wrong, are more likely to prefer independent thinking over following the crowd, are less likely to be easily startled or frightened, are more likely to have a connection with nature or spirituality, and are more likely to be drawn to certain areas of human endeavor.

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