Personality List

    Pussy Galore Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Pussy Galore? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Pussy Galore from James Bond Film Series and what is the personality traits.

    Pussy Galore

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Pussy Galore personality type is ESTJ, which is the opposite of ISTJ personality type. They are the "big picture people" who are honest, direct, and organized.

    ESTJs are in charge, they know what needs to be done, they are sure of themselves, and they don't suffer fools gladly. They are the people who run for president. They are the people who can keep a secret. ESTJs are straight shooters. Like the famous Russian spy, everyone loves the Pussy Galore because she knows where she is going and she knows what she wants. She doesn't go around looking for trouble or arguing with people about her plans.

    ESTJs might sometimes be called "know-it-alls", but they are very reliable and reliable people. ESTJs are their own worst enemies at times, but they do it with humor. ESTJs are the "good" guys in movies like Rocky or Indiana Jones movies, where they try to do the right thing, but they often get in trouble because of their stubbornness.

    ESTJ personality type is governed by the sensing function (Si). People who have this personality type are known for being practical, realistic, straightforward, and orderly.

    Appears in "Goldfinger". Played by Honor Blackman.

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