Personality List

    Malory Archer Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Malory Archer? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Malory Archer from Archer and what is the personality traits.

    Malory Archer

    ENTJ (8w9)

    Malory Archer personality type is ENTJ, which is the dominant function of the 16 personality types. ENTPs are more likely to have an INFJ personality type.

    Jung also wrote that the INFJ has a special link to the collective unconscious, which is known as the anima mundi. This is a universal force that exists in all human beings. The INFJ has a direct link to the anima mundi, which is part of what makes them so special. It’s also why INFJs are often drawn to certain types of art, like music and poetry, because they provide a direct access to the anima mundi.

    The INFJ has a rich inner life, which can be difficult for many other types to understand. They are very sensitive to their environment, and can become deeply depressed if they feel persecuted or misunderstood. People with this personality type frequently find themselves misunderstood because of their unique worldview and sensitivity to social injustice.

    This can make INFJs feel like they are different from everyone else, which can be very isolating.

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