Personality List

    Big Smoke Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Big Smoke? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Big Smoke from Gr& Theft Auto Series and what is the personality traits.

    Big Smoke

    ENFJ (3w4)

    Big Smoke personality type is ENFJ, which is a rare combination of extroverted intuition and feeling. The ENFJ personality type is not as common as the others (16% of the population), but they make up the largest segment of the extroverted personality type group. ENFJs are most often found in management positions, and most often they are very popular with the people who work for them.

    ENFJs are known for their excellent people skills and ability to build strong relationships. They want to make a difference and make a difference they do. They put others’ needs before their own, and do things that benefit others’ lives. ENFJs are caring, compassionate, and kind – and they know how to approach others with grace and tact.

    ENFJs some of the most loyal employees you will ever work with. They are there for their friends and co-workers, and will go above and beyond their job description to support those around them. They value honesty and loyalty from those around them, so those who know their true nature will be more likely to trust them.

    ENFJ personalities can be a bit intense at times, especially when they are concentrating on a problem or goal that they have set for themselves.

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