Personality List

    Luis Marino (High School Story) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Luis Marino (High School Story)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Luis Marino (High School Story) from Choices Stories You Play and what is the personality traits.

    Luis Marino (High School Story)

    INTP (5w6)

    Luis Marino (High School Story) personality type is INTP, which is one of the least common types. Here are just a few famous INTPs who were once thought to be introverted:

    Thomas Edison

    Benjamin Franklin

    Bill Gates

    Isaac Newton

    Donald Trump

    Warren Buffett

    Tim Robbins

    Woody Allen

    Kurt Cobain

    Steve Jobs

    And here are some famous extroverts who were once thought to be introverts:

    Jim Carrey

    Michael Jordan

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    George W. Bush

    Dwayne Johnson

    LeBron James

    Donald Trump

    Michael Bublé

    Tim Robbins

    Luis, a character in the High School Story series, is a student at Oliver M. Berry High School.

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