Personality List

    Dry Bones Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dry Bones? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dry Bones from Super Mario Brothers and what is the personality traits.

    Dry Bones

    ISTP (8w9)

    Dry Bones personality type is ISTP, and has a dominant Introverted Thinking and a secondary Extraverted Sensing. This is a logical and analytical type, and they rely on their thoughts and the evidence to make their decisions. They are perfectionists who like to be organized and structured, and like to follow rules and procedures. They like to know what they're doing and like to succeed. They like to be precise and strict with their behavior and consistency.

    Dry Bones people are very good at taking notes, and they like to make lists of things they need to do and things they must accomplish. They tend to be frugal and like to save money, and they like things to be in order and orderly. Extraverted Sensing makes them good at observing the world around them, and Introverted Thinking makes them good at collecting facts and analyzing those facts.

    Dry Bones types are good at handling details, as well as working on big projects. They are very practical and logical, and tend to be very organized. They have a great need for facts and details, since facts are what they use to make decisions. If facts can't be trusted, then they have no faith in the decisions made by the dry bones.

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