Personality List

    Mallow Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mallow? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mallow from Super Mario Brothers and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (6w7)

    Mallow personality type is INFP, the creative introverted feeling personality type.

    INFPs are known for their creative imagination, their shy nature, their lack of interest in social activities, their preference for being alone, their sensitivity, and their inner sensitivity. INFPs are usually friendly and gentle with others, but they can also be quiet and reserved.

    INFPs are likely to be quiet and reclusive, preferring to spend time alone or with a few close friends or family members. They are highly imaginative people who are very creative, artistic, and sensitive.

    INFPs are calm and peaceful, although they may have occasional bursts of energy, enthusiasm, or enthusiasm. They are likely to be quiet and reclusive, preferring to spend time alone or with a few close friends or family members.

    INFPs are likely to be quiet and reclusive, preferring to spend time alone or with a few close friends or family members. They are highly imaginative people who are very creative, artistic, and sensitive.

    INFPs are likely to be quiet and reclusive, preferring to spend time alone or with a few close friends or family members. They are highly imaginative people who are very creative, artistic, and sensitive.

    “I'm NOT afraid. And I'm NOT gonna cry!”

    Before joining Mario, Mallow suffered from low self esteem and was a bit of a crybaby at times, however as they journeyed together, he built up his courage and proved himself to be a levelheaded member of the party on numerous occasions (such as when he held Mario back from unwisely attacking Bowyer). Mallow becomes very emotional multiple times in the game: namely, when he fails to apprehend Croco and return Frogfucius' coin, when he finds out he is not a Tadpole and Frogfucius is not his real grandfather, when he finds his real parents' wish for him to come on on Star Hill, and when he finally meets his parents. Mallow looks up to Mario as a role-model and admires his jumping skills, much like the other tadpoles do, which was how Mallow was raised. Even Mallow's own father, King Nimbus, enjoys the sight of Mario's jumping abilities.

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