Personality List

    Aric Jorgan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Aric Jorgan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Aric Jorgan from Star Wars The Old Republic and what is the personality traits.

    Aric Jorgan

    ESTJ (6w5)

    Aric Jorgan personality type is ESTJ, which means that they are an "S" for "Striving". They are assertive, practical, disciplined, and good with details. The ESTJ personality type is the most common personality type in the world. ESTJs are honest, practical, organized, and focused. ESTJs are good at getting things done-- organizing activities, completing tasks, and managing time.

    ESTJs live in the present and are very focused on their goals. ESTJs are hardworking, practical, and efficient. They enjoy working with other people and finding ways to make things run well. ESTJs often have very specific goals in mind and work hard to achieve them. They are very goal-oriented, and their goals are always realistic. When an ESTJ looks at something, they see what it can be made into or how it can be improved. They are good at finding new solutions to problems, and love to take on challenges. ESTJs are strong leaders who believe in doing things themselves. They make decisions quickly and do not like to waste time in meetings.

    ESTJs are good with details, organization, and systems.

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