Personality List

    Meteor (Trooper) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Meteor (Trooper)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Meteor (Trooper) from Star Wars The Old Republic and what is the personality traits.

    Meteor (Trooper)

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Meteor (Trooper) personality type is ESTJ, which makes sense, as is the case for many Troopers.

    What is an ESTJ personality type?

    ESTJs are the rarest of all the personality types. They have the most extreme focus on pushing forward. They have a natural tendency to be leaders and to lead by example. They have a strong sense of duty and a strong sense of responsibility. They are always prepared, always organized and always on time. ESTJs have a natural tendency to be efficient and organized. They emphasize the importance of order, routine and structure. The ESTJ personality type is known for being very responsible and being very practical. They are very straightforward people and they know how to get things done. The ESTJ personality type is known for being very practical, very straightforward and very reliable. ESTJs tend to be the most dependable people on Earth. They are the most thorough and organized people on Earth. They are known for being very responsible and very reliable. The ESTJ personality type is known for being very responsible and very reliable.

    ESTJ Personality Type Traits

    ESTJs are known for being very responsible and reliable people. They are known for being dependable and thorough. They are known for being very organized and practical.

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