Personality List

    Coral Crewmate Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Coral Crewmate? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Coral Crewmate from Among Us and what is the personality traits.

    Coral Crewmate

    ENFJ (7w8)

    Coral Crewmate personality type is ENFJ, or the Explorer. ENFJs are quick to see beauty in everything and have an inherent desire to help people. They are also very diplomatic, and they can be great at finding ways to talk to people they don’t know or aren’t comfortable with.

    When it comes to the Navy, ENFJs can be a little nervous about the Navy’s “ideal” of being tough, but that does not mean they are not capable of being a good sailor. ENFJs can be very helpful in all branches of the Navy, but they do tend to be more useful in the medical field, which is a subject of study for them. They are also great at helping people from a distance, and they can be a lot of fun in the Navy.

    ENFJs can have trouble with the Navy’s standards of discipline, and they may find it difficult to follow commands when it comes to their personal relationships. Although they can be very helpful, their tendency to be too diplomatic and their strong desire to help others may also cause them to end up in a lot of trouble.

    Coral Crewmate type is INTP, or the Thinker.

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