Personality List

    Angelique Bouchard Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Angelique Bouchard? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Angelique Bouchard from Dark Shadows 2012 and what is the personality traits.

    Angelique Bouchard

    ENTJ (2w3)

    Angelique Bouchard personality type is ENTJ, the “Dominant,” or “The Commander.”

    Brilliant, driven, goal-oriented, decisive, decisive, decisive! These are some of the qualities of Dominant personality types. But if you want to understand why so many Dominants are so often perceived as bossy and arrogant, here’s a clue: It’s because they are!

    Dominant types have a lot of confidence, and when they walk into a room, others tend to fall in line. They have a commanding presence that can baffle and intimidate people who aren’t used to being told what to do. It’s a combination of their forcefulness and their ability to wield influence that makes them seem intimidating to people who don’t have a lot of personal power.

    Fortunately for us, this isn’t a permanent thing. Once Dominant types realize that their bossiness is off-putting and unfair, they become fully capable of being friendly and helpful. They may still have a hard time staying out of the way when they don’t know what to do, but they quickly learn how to collaborate with others.

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