Personality List

    Barbara "Barb" Holland Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Barbara "Barb" Holland? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Barbara "Barb" Holland from Stranger Things 2016 and what is the personality traits.

    Barbara "Barb" Holland

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Barbara "Barb" Holland personality type is ISTJ, which means that she's a very proficient and intelligent woman. ISTJs are reliable and practical, and they are also very patient. Barbara is a sales person for a large firm, but she has a great deal of respect for her co-workers, especially the men. Her ultimate goal in life is to have a family of her own, and she truly loves her job. She wants to be a good wife and mother, who also makes a great income. She's very honest and loyal, and she will always put her family first above all else.

    Barbara Holland likes to keep busy and she needs to be around people at all times. She can't stand being alone for too long, and when she is with others, she feels more comfortable. She also doesn't want to be alone with her thoughts or in a room by herself. Barbara enjoys having a lot of people around her and in her life. She even takes on extra work to help out, which is very admirable for an ISTJ.

    Barbara is an introverted extrovert. She needs plenty of alone time for herself, but she also needs people to keep her company and keep her spirits up.

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