Personality List

    Mind Flayer Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mind Flayer? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mind Flayer from Stranger Things 2016 and what is the personality traits.

    Mind Flayer

    INTJ (8w7)

    Mind Flayer personality type is INTJ, which is the rarest personality type of all 16 on the Myers-Briggs test.

    Source: Reddit

    The human species is on the verge of extinction. The last child of humanity has been born.

    From his lonely home in the mountains, he watches over the world he has inherited, hiding his power and fighting off the darkness inside him.

    More About The Last Soul on Earth

    The Last Soul on Earth is a single-player, first person RPG game where you play the role of the Last Soul on Earth. You are the last child left of humanity, and you must survive in a world that is growing more hostile by the day.

    You are the only one who knows of your power, which you can use to fight back against your enemies. Use your powers wisely, however, or you may be tempted to use them for evil.

    Fight against dangerous Darklings, dangerous monsters, and dangerous humans in order to protect yourself and your home. Use your powers wisely to defeat the forces of evil that are hunting you down.

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